Meet Dr. Attila Nagy

Attila Z. Nagy, DDS, MS founded the Oakwood Dental practice in 2006 with his wife, Dr. Michelle Nagy. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Entomology from The Ohio State University, a Doctor of Dental Surgery from The Ohio State University, and a Master of Science in Specialized Orthodontics from the International Medical College in Munster, Germany. He is an active member of the ADA, ODA, Central Ohio Dental Association, and the European Orthodontic Society. Dr. Nagy has participated in thousands of hours of orthodontic training and teaches other dental professionals about orthodontics and sleep/airway management as related to dentistry. He chose to go into the dental field to have his own office and also to have the time to get to know the patients he is caring for. He enjoys being around different people every day, hearing their stories and getting to know them. Dr. Nagy is very interested in a whole-body approach to health, including lifestyle, airway, sleep and so much more, and how it all relates together.
When not working, Dr. Nagy enjoys spending time with his wife Dr. Michelle Nagy, his children Adrianna and Dominik, his sheep Schnitzel and Nokedli, and his cat George. He also enjoys exercising, boxing, skiing, doing taekwondo (he is a second degree black belt), and beekeeping. Dr. Nagy moved to the United States from Hungary in 1991 to attend college here. He was a nanny for three children and first learned English from watching Sesame Street with the children.